June 11, 2009

Redeeming love.

This weekend we are studying the book of _______. (Just thought I would make things interesting and keep you in anticipation!) As I started preparing for this lesson I found myself being really challenged by it. I couldn't remember the last time I had read the book, and quite frankly, I was having trouble keeping the details of the story straight. So, I thought we would all take a refresher course together.

The book is in the Old Testament and just happens to be the 15th book of the Bible. Any guesses? Anyone actually saying the OT Books of the Bible rap in your head at this moment?! The 15th book of the Bible and the main character in our story are both Ezra.

The book of Ezra takes place as God's people, the Israelites, are being released from captivity in Babylon after 70 years of slavery. Not only does the King release them, but we also discover that he gives the people permission to rebuild the temple of God that had been destroyed long ago.

After many years of building, the Israelites finish the Temple of the Lord and everyone celebrates. Here's where our man Ezra comes into the picture. Ezra was a man who loved the Lord. The Bible tells us that Ezra spent his life serving God and studying the scriptures. The King told Ezra to take some people with him and to help the Israelites follow God's commands. Ezra was also given everything the Israelites could possibly need to serve the Lord and sacrifice to him. What happens next is a journey of the people towards repentance and a renewed passion for following the Lord.

If you have the chance this week, pull out the book of Ezra and finish the story. It's not a long book but it's an important part in the story of God's redeeming love for his people.


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